Transguard Group partners with Etisalat Digital for enhanced digital security solutions

Transguard Group, the multifaceted business support services company, has partnered with Etisalat Digital to ensure the latest end-to-end digital security solutions are available round-the-clock across the company’s entire IT network.
Besides manpower services and integrated facility services, Transguard, has significant UAE market share in the cash facilities management, cash services and security services sectors and Greg Ward, managing director of Transguard, knows only too well what is at stake.
“Due to the nature of our business, cybersecurity is absolutely vital and we understand the risk that inadequate protection can cause for our clients, as well as our own business. Through Etisalat’s Global Security Operations, Transguard will benefit from real-time analysis of the threat landscape and proactive protection against potential threats,” he said
“Etisalat’s credentials in cyber threat management and protection are second to none in this region and we are leveraging that global expertise and footprint to stay ahead of the current and future cyber-crime waves,” added Ward.
Salvador Anglada, Chief Business Officer, Etisalat, said: “Etisalat is committed to deliver proactive security intelligence solutions tailored to identify and respond against cyber threats, and we are excited to work closely with Transguard and empower the company by managing these modern risks to an acceptable level.”
“Our state-of-the-art Global Security Operations Centre and innovative set of cyber security services offer unmatched actionable intelligence to many high-profile private and government entities.”
Etisalat Digital, the business unit of Etisalat Group, is driving digital transformation in the UAE and regions where Etisalat Group operates. Enabled by its robust network and infrastructure, Etisalat has become a reliable and trusted partner of businesses throughout the country as cyber threats have been increasing in sophistication as well as in number of attacks.
The World Economic Forum calculates that cybercrime costs the global economy US$445 billion a year, with 2017 on track to far exceed that figure following the high profile, high cost WannaCry and Petya attacks. In the US, cyber attacks cost each affected enterprise an average of $1.3million.
With a full-time workforce of over 60,000 staff, extensive security solutions can be cost prohibitive for many companies like Transguard to operate in-house, which is why Etisalat Digital provides security on an OPEX model, bearing the cost of ensuring the solution meets, or exceeds, international performance standards and SLAs on a daily basis.
For more information please visit http://www.transguardgroup.com-Ends-